Britain's Anglo Saxon and Medieval Eras

"Often, for undaunted courage, fate spares the man it has not already marked.” - Beowulf

Experience the Art

From the Bayeux Tapestry and Fuller Brooch to the Lindisfarne Gospel and the Franks Casket, Anglo-Saxon art beautifully exhibits the cultural, religious, and historical themes of that shrouded British era. Step into this gallery of some of the most pominent pieces and experience for yourself the incredible craftsmanship of hundreds of years of history.


Feel the History

Kingdoms rise and nations fall. Generations come and go with little change in technology or lifestyle. Constant warfare keeps everyone on their toes, and feudal systems of government provide some stability to an otherwise chaotic world. The history of England from 450 to 1500 A.D. can be broken into two primary parts: the Anglo-Saxon Era and the Medieval era, split at 1066 A.D., the Norman conquest.


Understand the Culture

Cultures shift with time, and England’s is no exception. Roman culturepredominates late-Roman, early Anglo-Saxon era Britons in the southern portions of England. Tribes of indigenous Picts, Scots, Gales, and others spread throughout the British Isles all ascribe to their own animistic religions, archaic traditions, and “barbaric” lifestyles. Anglo-Saxons come from the Southeast and change the cultural landscape, and Christianity follows from Pope Gregory in the 7th century. French-Norman culture comes with William the Conquerer and predominates until early renaissance.


Discover the Literature

Dive into Beowulf, a story of literally epic proportions. The hero of the Scydlings sils to Haerot to rid the great hall and the surrounding country of Grendel, descendant of Cain, monster and fiend. The language of the story mystifies and evokes feelings of heroism, nobility, and manliness in the contemporary reader. There are few modern, or even ancient works that rival the eloquence and insight of Beowulf, itself dating back to 700-1000 A.D.