When failing I
Find that indeed
My heart is not
So strong or brave
As I believed;
My speech not sweet
Or patience great
Enough to make
All people happy
All the time;
I find that when
I honest see
Myself in light
Of God’s majesty
I, smaller true
Than I once thought
Can greater drink
From grace’s cup
And on that grace
Rely in deeper
And life-giving way;
My childish mind
Believes that I
Through my own strength
Unfailing can
Without a trouble
Or a loss
Rise to become
That man which
God calls me to be;
You see,
As I now become
A man
I know that nothing
Is so easy;
Though greatest life
And greatest opportunities
Have been afforded me,
It is not my past
Nor future even
That defines eternity;
But present reliance
On God’s grace;
Present strength and courage
From him derived;
Present receipt of
Promised communion
And collaboration
With the Galilean;
If in himself
A man’s hope lies
Then to himself
His broken ways
Will always be
Before his eyes;
But if in freedom
True at last
A man on Christ
Does fully cast
His sorrow and his failures he
May come to find
Sweet sympathy
Strong courage and
Such man can live
Full faithfully
Not swerving to
The left or right
But girded for
Life’s every fight;
Such a man
I long to be
Not by my power
Or certainty
But by that blood
Which purchased me
And by the Spirit
Leading free
My broken heart
From slavery
My weakened knees
And holding on
To my weak hands,
Christs strength
Is strength;
All of mine
Is frailty.