
Faithful hands that hold lifelong wife
And children, now grown,
With children of their own;
Strongly holding tools at times,
Books at times, wisdom always;
Failing sometimes, but seeking grace;
Lifting the poor, protecting the weak,
Binding up the broken,
Telling an old joke for the upteenth time.

Grandfathers grow old no sooner
Than they must,
For childhood burns brighter
In their smiles every year past fifty;
Good food, good drink, good conversation,
Goodness and blessing run down
On the heads of such men.

Their homes are filled at times,
Empty at times, when the children grow;
Full again when grandchildren come
And grace upon grace spreads
Through the growing family tree.

Blessed indeed is the man
Who does not walk, nor stand, nor sit
In sin or idleness;
Instead he delights in the Word,
Sets it on his tongue,
Meditates in his heart,
And does good.

Such a man walks in faithfulness
That bears the fruit of
Children’s children;
Such a man holds dear
The love of lifelong wife
And rests peacefully,
Laying down striving and
Holding the joy of life everlasting.